Notice my lovely, scar-free neck:

(Yes, I know--there are wrinkles and a double chin.) Sadly, today is the last day that my neck will ever look this way again. Tomorrow I fall among cutthroats to have part (or possibly all) of my thyroid removed. (See what a
haute nodule will get you?)

I'm not sure how I feel about the whole thing. The only other surgery I've ever had was a C-section, which really wasn't that bad. I wonder how many jokes I can make about the surgery and the resulting scar?
On a lighter note, Phil has requested that I use nicknames for the kids instead of just initials. You might have noticed them on the sidebar. I'm still toying with a couple of them, but Atticus is definitely a keeper. Sweet Boy could also be Lego Lover. Too might be
too confusing, but I haven't come up with an alternative. And I may shorten J Boo to just Boo. Who knows?
I'm sure the anesthesia tomorrow and the subsequent pain meds should enhance my creativity.