Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I'm Distracted

I know I'm getting too focused on stuff when my three-year-old starts calling, "Jooooo-weeeee! Jooo-wee! Hewwoh?" to get my attention.


Geo said...


Lyle said...

beats "sissa Poddymouf"

Angela said...

How do they pick up on the "hellloooo" so quickly? Do we really say that that much?
Hey, could you email me at Withoutrhythm@gmail.com ?

elasticwaistbandlady said...

That's preferable to my little ones who have taken to poking and jabbing me with their meanly sharp fingers.

Millie said...

I hear you. My kids have been trained to yell "Mommy" in varying degrees of urgency to get my attention. Sad, huh?

QueenScarlett said...

my daughter raises her stern voice...that eerily sounds just like me. ;-)