Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Must Be Genetic

I took my mom shopping for a couple of hours today. While in the car, she asked if she had ever told me the milking story about her grandparents. It wasn't one I could recall, so I asked her to repeat it.

Not long after her grandparents were married, they were out in the barn. Feisty little Grandma had just finished milking the cow when the cow kicked the bucket over and spilled all the milk. She was pretty upset and said, "Why, you dirty bit@#!"

Grandpa, who was very mild-mannered and kind, replied, "Now there, Hattie, I thought you knew the difference between a cow and a dog!"


QueenScarlett said...

I already adore your grandma...

Sister Pottymouth said...

Great grandma, actually. I'm excited to meet her someday. And, for the record, she passed on the gift to my mom as well.

Elizabeth-W said...

It's your secret identity--you come off as so mild mannered initially ;)

Sister Pottymouth said...

LOL--I hear that a lot! People always seem surprised by what I'm like after they get to know me.

Cat said...

Heh. You know, my MIL Claire is such a sweet, gentle woman, so it is always so surprising (and HI-larious) when she busts out language of the pottymouth variety. It happens! I swear! But not THAT way! (I know, right?) Regardless, I see it IS genetic. Good to know.

TGIM loved this story, BTW. He is so proud.

Sister Pottymouth said...

cat: Aw, I'm glad TGYM loved the story. Is he a closet pottymouth as well? Somehow, I can't picture Claire swearing... But then, who could picture her with boys' underwear on her head?

I need to post about the time my mom (Claire's sister, for those of you who don't know) was taking the grandkids on a tour of the family ranch and taught them about...well, you'll just have to wait and see.