Saturday, September 13, 2008


This was the cover for the latest Scouting magazine that came to my house. I know many of you get it too, so it's not anything new. But is anyone else as disturbed by what my husband calls "The Pedophile of the Month Scout Master?" The catch headline says, "This man can fire up your guys." Are you kidding me? How many innuendos can be inferred by that line alone? Yikes.

By the way, the firing up is in reference to reading.

And none of my guys found the picture to be inspiring.

At all.


QueenScarlett said...

oooh I like your new background.

By the way... I thought it was a horror movie poster.

sue-donym said...

That is freaky. And not inspiring in the least.

Elizabeth-W said...

Totally a Jack Nicholson knock-off. And I 100% see the pedophileness. Gag!

Gerb said...

We got TWO of those in our mailbox and I had to put them on the back porch when it got dark outside. Freaked me out.

b. said...

That's damn scary!
The Shining.

Sister Pottymouth said...

Scary that only when I read it out loud to my husband did I find my typo...

Damn scary is right. Freaky, horrific, gag-inspiring: yes, yes, and yes.

Gerb, I love that you were freaked out in the dark.

I just wish they'd stop sending me this magazine. It goes directly into the trash.

Geo said...

Gross! I'd be canceling my nonsubscription.

Cari said...

Ours goes directly in the trash too. In fact, I don't even think I looked at the cover. I just saw the title under some junk mail and threw it away.
That is totally freaky. What were they thinking?

Kengo Biddles said...

The crazy reader guy: Terrifying!

The background: Me gusto mucho!

Sister Pottymouth said...

Geo: (sigh) if only I could. But with a husband who works with Scouts, one bona fide Scout, one Cub Scout, and one pre-cub, I'm afraid there's no escaping it. They just send it to you.

Cari: I usually toss mine too, but that cover caught my eye.

Kengo: Gracias! I haven't seen you in a while...not that I've been in the blogosphere much since the bambina arrived.

Carrot Jello said...

Scary. Like Silence of the Lambs scary.

NiHao said...

Someone at work said the best way to get out of a calling as scoutmaster when pulled aside by the bishop is to wring your hands together and say, "Scouts....oooh....I like little boys!". The cover picture on the scouting magazine reminds me of that kind of situation.

Lesleigh said...

There's nothing cool at all about that cover. Nothing.

I can't believe someone in publishing looked at that and said "Perfect! Just what young boys want to see!"

BTW...I started feeling left out of this whole blogging thing. Kim's done 2 in the last few months, other family members are getting into I'm back in the blogging world...again. This time I'm going to try to do more than once a year!!

Anonymous said...

That is super-disturbing. It looks like a sick joke.