Monday, November 13, 2006

Things that made me smile

I've been sick with a cold this weekend. I hate being sick, but it was a good excuse to take lots of naps and stay in my pajamas for two days. In spite of the misery, I did find some things that made me smile yesterday.

1. My seven-year-old whispering forcefully in my ear, "You're the best mom in the whole world!"

2. A bonus nap yesterday, courtesy of Phil who took our food assignment and the kids over to my parents house while I had a quick snooze.

3. My ten-year-old volunteering to go to bed early because he felt like he was catching a cold. (This is a really big thing for him. He'll use any technique he can think of to postpone bedtime.)

4. My three-year-old snuggling into the crook of my arm to watch "The Restoration" video done by the church. It's his favorite thing to watch.

5. The belly rolling laughter of my sons, husband, and (gasp) 74-year-old mother that came as a result of my dad letting one rrrrrrip yesterday while standing at the desk. No one gets in touch with their "inner voice" quite like my dad.

Here's to a good week ahead.


Millie said...

Sorry to hear you've been sick. I loved your list... "inner voice" cracked me up. I'll have to remember that one.

JandB said...

hopefully your getting better now. its interesting to hear what makes moms son volunteered to go to bed! someday i'll be excited over the same things!

Julie Q. said...

We're suffering from colds here too so I appreciate your list.

Get yourself some of those lotion-filled Puffs -- they are my favorite thing when I'm sick. Well, that and chocolate. But you don't need an excuse for that remedy.

Take care.

Geo said...

Count your many blessings, name them one by one . . .

Your post made me smile too. Hope you're all on the mend very soon!

dalene said...

Dang. I was hoping it was in the middle of church...

Feel better soon!

Lessel Peeper said...

You'll have to tell the story about the rumbles from the kitchen on he evening of your Halloween dance. As I remember, you (your group) lit a roaring fire and turned out the lights so you could visit least, until Dad's inner grizzly bear voice growled from the kitchen. There's nothing quite like thinking you're alone and letting one loose--only to find that the next room is full of teenagers.